"The kindest people are not born that way, they are made. They are the sounds that have experienced so much at the hands of life, they are the ones who have dug themselves out of the dark, who have found to turn every loss into a lesson. The kindest people do not just exist -- they choose to soften where circumstance has tried to harden them, they choose to believe in goodness, because they have seen firsthand why compassion is so necessary ... so important." ~ Bianca Sparacino
Posts from HealthyExpatParent.com/Facebook
Happy Monday! My link for you this morning highlights the many many differences between two known and well-established competitors: dogs versus cats.
New recipe: Easily one of my favorite things to have, but then I love love love bread. This whole grain bread comes together quickly and easily, and is great with soup, toasted for breakfast, or with cheese.
Go go go go! Parenting is a never-ending, all-out, full-time job. You love it, of course. Don't forget, though, to refill your tank, too.
Wellness News Around the 'Net
Physical Health Eat Well Now here's an interesting question: Are humans born to be meat-eaters? A look at evolution, nutrition and biology. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/are-humans-supposed-to-eat-meat Be Active Sure, your exercise routine is primarily about exercise, but it is important to have rest days, too. There is a point where you can push yourself too far. https://www.self.com/story/rest-days Let's move! This is a tabata workout with 4 rounds of 7 exercises. It’s tough, but I know you are tougher. Start you music! https://www.intervaltimer.com/timers/10551699 Spiritual Health Journaling can be an excellent way to 'tune-in' and also to help change your focus. Sometimes, though, staring at that blank page can feel a little daunting. What to write? Here are a few excellent prompts to conquer that blank page. https://witanddelight.com/2021/08/20-journaling-prompts-i-swear-by-to-get-you-out-of-your-head-2/ Mental & Emotional Health Happy is what happy shares. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/if_you_want_to_be_happy_try_to_make_someone_else_happy? Social Health When we share something with a friend, it is a very connecting social exchange. It's even better when we share in their happiness (even if it is not something we experience ourselves). https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/video/item/how_to_share_in_someone_elses_happiness Be your best, friends