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  • Writer's pictureSusie Csorsz Brown


A belief is only a thought one keeps thinking.  So in changing what you are thinking, you can change your beliefs.

Physical Health Eat Well When we are talking about nutrition, it's not always about food; what you drink is just as important.  More accurately: what you don't drink.  If you consume a lot of sports drinks, sodas and other sugary or caffeinated drinks, then you are not drinking water.  Guess which of those options is the best for your health? Be Active I know I say this often, but FIND YOUR TRIBE! Let's move! I’m not going to lie: these 5 moves will sneak up on you.  But each round will go by quickly with done fun music on.  And then really crank it to push through the plank challenge, where you’ll move through the poses without a break.  I suggest scrolling through to familiarize yourself before getting it done.  You can do it! Spiritual Health This could actually fall into all of the categories but ... I'm putting it here. :)  How do you live (happily) to be 100?  I'm glad you asked! Mental & Emotional Health

Being !!!angry!!! is not good for you, and not good for those around you.  Sometimes, though, when all you see is red, it is hard to get passed it. Social Health

Who DOESN’T want to be ‘likable’?  Well, here are the traits you should avoid if that is your goal. Posts from   There are so many smart things about eating well and food choices in this article I just don't even know where to start.   Bottom line: smart food choices, smart food portion sizes over the long term goes a lot farther and has better health implications than does dieting. Happy Monday! I'm a huge fan of pets, especially dogs. And this, to me, is amazing news to any of you who want a dog but have been told you are allergic. Recipe: yes, another bowl.  Each component, though, is super tasty.  Perfect 'group prep' meal! Hope you try it! New post: Favorite teachable book: Whoever you are.  Because whoever you are is different, and that is so great.  There is beauty in 'different'. Be your best, friends s

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