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"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." ~ Francis of Assisi   Physical Health Eat Well Eat well not just for yourself, but also for the planet. Be Active The gift you can give your kids: learning from an early age that exercise is a great bonding activity?  Start them on their life-long (hopefully) habit of staying active. Let's move! 3 x 30 x 4 =  Three blocks of 4 different exercises that will last for 30 seconds.  The kicker is that the 4 exercises are back-to-back and you'll do the 4 three times each.  Don't worry, you get a break between the blocks. Spiritual Health Humans, it seems, like to feel happy.  We like to feel that our endeavors are worthwhile.  We like to feel appreciated.  Here are specific suggestions how to achieve that. Mental & Emotional Health There you go: Angry people live shorter lives. Social Health Hold the door for others; they will respond in kind.  Everyone likes connection (not in a pervy sense). Posts from Happy Monday! Happy July! Hope you too are enjoying a break (from work, from school, from some sort of scheduled busyness). To get you in the mood: I remember life as a kid during the summer break and it was DEFINITELY not like what my kids are experiencing. New post: that potluck favorite; share the recipe and make people happy! This is a reminder about how powerful social influence can be; use your influence for good. New post: Get out and explore, my friends.  And learn from some of the lessons we've had. Be your best, friends s

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