If the grass looks greener on the other side ... stop staring! Stop comparing! Stop complaining, and start watering the grass you're standing on.
Posts from HealthyExpatParent.com/Facebook
Happy Monday! It's December, and what better time to learn more about eggnog! https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/egg-nog-history-recipes
New recipe: bringing a traditional Sri Lankan salad to you!
Empathy versus sympathy and how to connect better and more. https://www.healthyexpatparent.com/post/empathy-versus-sympathy
Wellness News Around the 'Net
Physical Health
Eat Well
One of the best ways to set yourself up for success when trying to eat healthfully is to prep and plan. But it shouldn’t be complicated.
Be Active
Choose your weapon wisely -- dumbbells versus resistance bands.
Let's move!
Take that small band, get it on your thighs, above your knees and start this glute and leg tabata workout. 6 moves, 8 rounds of 20 seconds each for each move. You'll have that band on for the whole workout. Start your music!
Spiritual Health
Selfies seem harmless, but in actuality, they (and the inevitable comparisons that will follow) are hard on the self-esteem. Especially, it turns out, for our daughters.
Mental & Emotional Health
Need a hug? You know, it can make a huge positive difference, that hug.
Social Health
Sometimes the best way to connect is via a text, especially if you want to quickly let someone know you are thinking of them.
Be your best, friends
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Wellness for parents and for families
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