"Encouragement is the oxygen of the soul." ~ George M Adams
Posts from HealthyExpatParent.com/Facebook
Happy Monday! Who's up for an optical illusion? This is one you can make yourself (or your kids can. Your brain is pretty darn savvy ... except when it comes to rotating windows. Check it out: https://thekidshouldseethis.com/post/ames-trapezoid-window-video-demonstration
New recipe: Probably one of the easiest desserts you can make, but I won't tell anyone your secret!
Check out what's happening on the Big Purple Blob.
New post: You know, your pet may have some valuable life lessons to offer. Come see what I mean!
Wellness News Around the 'Net
Physical Health Eat Well Beyond the super cute graphics, I love this thorough run-down of the benefits of both tea and coffee. Guess which one packs a better-for-you punch? https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/interactive/2022/coffee-vs-tea-nutrition-health/ Be Active Your kids, your teen, you should try to balance out the screen time with more green time. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/why_your_teen_should_replace_screen_time_with_green_time Let's move! This timer is a cardio + bands workout. You’ll work your whole body, and then finish with a core burnout. Start your music! https://www.intervaltimer.com/timers/10854505 Spiritual Health Go out and get what you want from life. Think big. https://mariashriver.com/these-kick-ass-strategies-will-empower-you-to-figure-out-and-go-after-what-you-really-want-out-of-life/ Mental & Emotional Health Are you happy? Perhaps a better question would be 'Are you at peace?' https://www.theschooloflife.com/thebookoflife/eastern-vs-western-views-of-happiness Social Health Spending time with your friends and loved ones is not just good for your frame of mind, not just good for your stress, but it is also actually good for your heart, too. https://www.piedmont.org/living-better/4-reasons-friends-and-family-are-good-for-your-health Be your best, friends