"Nothing is a waste of time if you use your experience wisely." ~ Auguste Rodin
Posts from HealthyExpatParent.com/Facebook
Reason #617 why not to eat processed foods. And ... ewww!
New post: first up in the kids-can-cook series: Power Ball cookies. Infinitely riff-able, good for snacks and breakfast, too. Let your kiddos get in there and enjoy time in the kitchen with you!
New post: You don't have to relocate to find "happy". You will still be you on vacation.
Wellness News Around the 'Net
Physical Health
Eat Well
Protein is more simple and more complicated than you might think.
Be Active
You are busy, I know. You can actually fit in a workout, though. Really.
Let's move!
Very quick, very effective full body workout. Do 4 rounds of the following: 20 squat jumps before dropping straight into 10 push-ups. Rest for 20 seconds. Next do 30 high knees followed by 10 burpees. Rest 30-second. Repeat for 4 rounds. Start your music!
Spiritual Health
What does it mean to be more intentional and how can that be beneficial?
Mental & Emotional Health
Wait, are you a narcissist? Or do you know one?
Social Health
How to find your people.
Be your best, friends