Go play: "It takes courage to say yes to rest and play in a culture where exhaustion is seen as a status symbol." ~ Brene Brown
Posts from HealthyExpatParent.com/Facebook
Happy Monday! It's Girl Scout Cookie season. How much do you know about these little goodies?
New recipe: It may seem like the wrong time of year for a pumpkin muffin but the beauty of canned pumpkin, is you can enjoy it any time. These are lovely.
New podcast: 4 Foreign service women talking about employment - for EFMs, for PSCs, for contractors. Even horror interview stories!
Wellness News Around the 'Net
Physical Health
Eat Well
Yet another reason to heap up those whole grains!
Be Active
It's never too late to start weight training.
Let's move!
This timer includes movements 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Get a bottle of water and start your music!
Spiritual Health
Mental travel, aka a way to take a break without actually relocating. Questions that might help you focus on that inspirational feeling you get from travel without having to actually pack a bag:
What would my 5-year-younger self be proud of me for?
If you woke up in 10 years and were in flow, what actions did you take that got you there?
Mental & Emotional Health
Do you connect with the emotions others are feeling? That’s empathy.
Social Health
What is a one-sided relationship? How to know if you might be in one, and what to do about it.
Be your best, friends