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  • Writer's pictureSusie Csorsz Brown


“Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts.” ~ Hopi

Physical Health Eat Well

You move, you are active, you go go go.... and then you have the munchies.  Well, tune in to what your body is telling you it wants/needs. Be Active

I want to follow this advice, but ... living overseas complicates a couple of these suggestions.  Still, a worthy read if you are interested in getting new athletic shoes. Let's move!

Two shorter workouts for you: Quick and sweaty:  Familiar moves, fast-paced and you'll get a sweat on in less than 20 minutes. Cardio Abs:  10 minutes of jumping + twisting and ab toning moves.  Turn on some fun upbeat music and get to it.  You can do both and get a longer work-out. Spiritual Health Rather than give you a link to wander off to, I thought this might be a great time to check in, and focus on you.  Take a few minutes to think about the following questions, and the answers that you find for yourself.  I think it is important to regularly ask yourself questions, and reflect on how we feel about our answers.  And know that your answers for today may very well be different than last week and from what you might be feeling next week.  

Do I connect with what is important in my life? How do I portray my values to others? Am I able to be positive? Mental & Emotional Health So you think your physical wellness and your mental wellness aren't connected?  Regular exercise is actually a great way to improve your cognitive abilities.  Win, win! Social Health Because they matter.  And so does your time with them.  Regardless of what age you are! Posts from FM/Blog You can do it.  Just get out of your own way. Happy Monday! My link today is apropos one of the most controversial candy out there: Candy corn. More thought about candy corn than you ever imagined possible.... One more: (told you, more thought than you ever imagined possible.) Good for snacks, lunch boxes, brunches.. dress these oatcakes up or down. Laughter, they say, is the best medicine.  So take a dose!

Be your best, friends


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