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  • Writer's pictureSusie Csorsz Brown


"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths." ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger

Physical Health Eat Well There is DEFINITELY such a thing as ‘too much fat’, just like there is ‘too much protein’ and ‘too many crabs.’ Humans were designed to eat a varied diet. Eating too much of one type of macronutrient is not eating optimally. Be Active It’s a chicken-or-the-egg sort of conundrum, sure. But, some of us don’t nap well, so 30 minutes of sleep makes us CRABBY. What’s the best option? Let's move! I just did the first workout listed here, and yes, it is definitely challenging! Try it yourself! Spiritual Health Anxiety versus a good night's sleep ... you know sleeping is best but when you're worrying about something, very little can calm your mind. Find a better way to calm your anxious mind, and get your zzz's. Mental & Emotional Health Eat well to keep your brain happy.

Social Health Flirting - facial, body and voice cues we give to signal interest ... or lack there of - is a very effective way to convey a message. Or at least it should be. A lot depends on what the receiver of the message is looking/hoping for. Posts from Happy Monday! Hope you all had a good weekend. I share with you today a link illustrating the amazing connection animals have with other animals. Take this orangutan and the little bird... New recipe: These are not the magazine-perfect cinnamon rolls that you might see, but ... those take HOURS to get on the table. These are made with a quick biscuit dough and are super tasty, maybe even weekday-morning quick. New post: Following on the 'change' theme, here are concepts and suggestions that might help make change more likely and successful, and help you achieve your goals. Be your best, friends s

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Be your best #324

"Be realistic, expect a miracle." ~ Osho Posts from Happy Monday! I admit that it can be a little more...


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