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  • Writer's pictureSusie Csorsz Brown

Wellness Newsletter #244

You cannot remove struggle from life, but you can improve your ability to handle challenge." Posts from Most recent episodes of the Big Purple Blob Podcast: Happy Monday! Fairy dust, pixie sprinkles and unicorn hair ... okay, not really, did you ever wonder where elements come from? Take a head of cauliflower, roast it, and then serve it with a tangy/creamy tahini sauce. Honestly, a great addition to any meal. Conversations with your kiddos about eating well, and food choices can help them develop healthy eating habits that will serve them well as they grow. And yes, pizza can be on the menu. Wellness News Around the 'Net Physical Health Eat Well Sure, yes, you need protein in your diet. Chances are, though, you probably eat too much. Be Active What time of day do you exercise? The closer it is to bedtime, the more you need to be mindful of what it is you are doing to get your heart rate up. Some types of exercise will help you sleep well; others, not so much. Let's move! This timer has multiple groups of exercises. Each group starts on the 'easiest' version, then a middle version and then the most challenging. You'll repeat each group before moving on to the next. Start your music! Spiritual Health Do you know what your life purpose is? I know, big question. Big and kind of daunting, right? Let's break it down. Mental & Emotional Health Yes, but are you actually happy? Social Health Liar liar pants on fire… Be your best, friends


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