"I cannot stress enough that the answer to life’s questions is often in people’s faces. Try putting your iPhones down once in a while, and look in people’s faces. People’s faces will tell you amazing things. Like if they are angry, or nauseous or asleep." ~Amy Poehler
Posts from HealthyExpatParent.com/Facebook
Happy Monday! Arguably one of the most beautiful creations made purely of flower blooms, and only lasts a weekend. Maybe next year, we should all plan to see it in person?
New recipe: Parsley. It’s not just for garnishes anymore.
New post: People need people. Our connections are so important.
Wellness News Around the 'Net
Physical Health
Eat Well
Most likely you’re eating too much protein. And most likely too little fiber.
Be Active
Part of a well-rounded physical wellness routine includes stretching.
Let's move!
This timer includes cardio, resistance bands and then ends with a plank challenge. For the cardio portion, you'll need a bit of space, like a longish room, like a yard or a stretch of sidewalk. You'll do 10 different exercises, 60 seconds each, moving in the prescribed way. The second portion will be 10 different strength training exercises (2 rounds). The final push will be different plank versions to really tone your core. You can do this! Start your music!
Spiritual Health
Something you do several times every single minute is your secret weapon for destressing, getting over yourself, working harder while exercising and more.
Mental & Emotional Health
What is groupthink and how does it impact you?
Social Health
Quality over quantity, methinks.
Be your best, friends