"I hold this to be the highest task of a bond between two people: that each should stand guard over the solitude of the other.” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Physical Health
Eat Well
Wait, tastes good AND good for your mental state? Count me in!
Be Active
You want to work out, really. Now just to get moving...
Let's move!
Yoga toning workout. Find the attached description of the moves. You won't be jumping but I promise you'll feel it!
Spiritual Health
Donating - time, money, effort - feeds your soul. Try it. I think you'll like it.
Mental & Emotional Health
Some truths you should know about yourself. Don't waste your energy on what may sap your emotional or mental well-being.
Social Health
Being alone is exactly what you need every once in a while.
Posts from HealthyExpatParent.com/Facebook
Honestly, this is so hard to comprehend as an adult because nothing like this has ever happened, right? But our kids ... I'd say they are doing pretty darn amazing, wouldn't you?
OMgosh! People are so awesome! I am such a fan of SGN!
Happy Monday! The best way to start yet another week of social distancing is with Adam Sandler's Quarantine Song.
New recipe: Bread! But easy bread that will taste amazing, perfume your house with an amazing smell, and is whole grain, to boot.
New post: I am trying to wrap my head around this new 'normal' and finding that I need to be extra kind to myself in order to be the best everything else.
Be your best, friends