"If you don't like the road you are walking, start paving a new one."
~ Dolly Parton
Posts from HealthyExpatParent.com/Facebook
Happy Monday! Today is a great day to thank a veteran for their service. Today is also a great day to think about your online behavior, and how we can be more civil. https://www.insidehook.com/internet/behave-online-84-new-rules
New recipe: Eggplant salad with a bright and tangy dressing. Probably my new favorite way to eat eggplant.
Have a goal? Whatever it may be -- big or small -- there are specific steps that can help you achieve it.
Wellness News Around the 'Net
Physical Health
Eat Well
Supplements are not an especially well-regulated science. You will hear all sorts of news about how effective and amazing certain supplements are, especially targeting those who are interested in looking younger and staying active. Does collagen supplementation help those endeavors?
Be Active
A lunchtime walk is actually a great way to be more effective during your afternoon.
Let's move!
Cardio and abs come together in this workout in a way that will leave you sweaty and invigorated! Ready? Start your music!
Spiritual Health
I didn’t actually think about there being different kinds of burnout.
Mental & Emotional Health
Want to improve your memory? Get more sleep. Yes, it is probably that simple.
Social Health
To be a part of a great conversation you have to spend time listening too.
Be your best, friends