"You have to live with your mistakes, but you don't have to compound them. To follow up an error with a foolish reaction is to lose twice. Given the reality of where you are right now, what is the best next action? A wise response may not erase a dumb mistake, but it can redeem it."
Posts from HealthyExpatParent.com/Facebook
Happy Monday! We are enjoying a local-holiday-induced long weekend. Gives me the opportunity to read articles I've been saving like this interesting look at the penny. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/01/magazine/worthless-pennies-united-states-economy.html
New recipe: a side dish that not only provides lovely color on your plate, but also tastes amazing AND requires minimal effort.
A quick listen helping to calm your harsh inner critic.
Wellness News Around the 'Net
Physical Health
Eat Well
Thirst is your body’s mechanism for telling you it needs more fluid. Maybe.
Be Active
How's your core strength? Let’s get it as strong as possible!
Let's move!
Let's get it done. You'll start with the longest sets of the circuit, and reduce each round. Ending with a round of core exercises, this is a whole body torcher. Start your music!
Spiritual Health
What is "character" and what influences it?
Mental & Emotional Health
It can be quite hard to start that downward spiral when negative thoughts wind their way in. Here, specific suggestions to stop them in their tracks!
Social Health
What can we do, what can we try to make our friendships stronger and last?
Be your best, friends