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Writer's pictureSusie Csorsz Brown


"Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are." ~ Malcolm Forbes   Physical Health So, that fountain of youth?  It actually does exist, but it isn't just a matter of taking a sip or two of water.  It's about effort, moderation, and being smart. Eat Well

Some of these suggestions are no-brainers, but perhaps you may not have thought of. Let's move!

Not a Susie workout, but a HUGE array of options to chose from.  Huge.  With or without weights, HIIT, tabata, ... you name it.  Good one to bookmark. Spiritual Health Peace of mind means leaving the criticism behind.  What do you do if the biggest critic is you? Mental & Emotional Health OOO, should I?  Shouldn't I? Sometimes, it's best to just decide already. And, in light of that, how does one make more Yes! moments happen in their lives? Social Health Sometimes not hearing the whole-truth-and-nothing-but is better for our frame of mind.  But does that mean that we WANT to be lied to? Post from FB/Blog Happy Monday!  You may be aware, we Americans have a big food-centered holiday coming up.  Around the globe, we all have some sort of similar one-host-multiple-guest situations.  Want to know what to bring?  Here are some suggestions. New post: This Cranberry Chutney is one of our favorite sides when serving turkey, but works well with a wide array of main dishes. New post: Giving thanks is important (especially on Thanksgiving).   Having the thanks come from a genuine appreciation of who and what are around you is also important.

Be your best, friends


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