"Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are." ~ Malcolm Forbes Physical Health So, that fountain of youth? It actually does exist, but it isn't just a matter of taking a sip or two of water. It's about effort, moderation, and being smart. https://www.shape.com/lifestyle/mind-and-body/how-to-slow-down-body-aging-process Eat Well
Some of these suggestions are no-brainers, but perhaps you may not have thought of. http://time.com/5303475/dietitian-tips-healthy-eating Let's move!
Not a Susie workout, but a HUGE array of options to chose from. Huge. With or without weights, HIIT, tabata, ... you name it. Good one to bookmark. https://tone-and-tighten.com/hiit Spiritual Health Peace of mind means leaving the criticism behind. What do you do if the biggest critic is you? https://www.mindful.org/disarm-biggest-critic/ Mental & Emotional Health OOO, should I? Shouldn't I? Sometimes, it's best to just decide already. https://greatist.com/live/how-to-stop-being-indecisive-about-life-decisions And, in light of that, how does one make more Yes! moments happen in their lives? https://advice.shinetext.com/articles/4-ways-to-activate-your-intuition-and-make-more-this-feels-right-decisions/ Social Health Sometimes not hearing the whole-truth-and-nothing-but is better for our frame of mind. But does that mean that we WANT to be lied to? https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/jul/09/everybody-lies-how-google-reveals-darkest-secrets-seth-stephens-davidowitz Post from FB/Blog Happy Monday! You may be aware, we Americans have a big food-centered holiday coming up. Around the globe, we all have some sort of similar one-host-multiple-guest situations. Want to know what to bring? Here are some suggestions. https://www.myrecipes.com/holidays-and-occasions/thanksgiving-recipes/youre-attending-someone-elses-thanksgiving-what-to New post: This Cranberry Chutney is one of our favorite sides when serving turkey, but works well with a wide array of main dishes. https://www.healthyexpatparent.com/single-post/2018/11/20/Recipe-Cranberry-chutney New post: Giving thanks is important (especially on Thanksgiving). Having the thanks come from a genuine appreciation of who and what are around you is also important. https://www.healthyexpatparent.com/single-post/2018/11/22/A-happy-place
Be your best, friends