"Take the time you need and let today be what today needs to be." ~ Morgan Harper Nichols
Posts from HealthyExpatParent.com/Facebook
This is the video to give you that feel-good moment. And one to share with your kids.
Happy Monday! Happy Memorial Day! Besides being the ultimate source of pain when one steps on a block with bare feet, legos are also amazing tools for creating works of art. Like this one:
New recipe: eggplants with a Sri Lankan twist.
The latest episodes from The Big Purple Blob
New post: I am a big fan of swimming.
Wellness News Around the 'Net
Physical Health
Eat Well
Yep, you are eating too much. Even if you think you eat healthfully, you are probably eating a lot more calories than you think you are.
Be Active
What's that magic number: how many days, how many hours to exercise each week?
Let's move!
A descending circuit timer that includes 2 circuits of 5 exercises each. You'll start with each exercise at 40 seconds, then 30, then 20, and then 10. Finally, a core burnout that will hit every part of your core not already fired up. Start your music!
Spiritual Health
One thing that helps with dress... self-kindness.
Mental & Emotional Health
Really fascinating look at the different parts of the body activated by different emotions.
Social Health
In the end, yes, this is an advertisement, but the message is still valuable: when you or someone you know/love is struggling, act. Offering to help is well-intended but sometimes responding is actually more stressful or burdensome.
Be your best, friends
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Wellness for parents and for families
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