Susie Csorsz Brown

Sep 4, 20202 min


"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that." ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Physical Health

Eat Well

Ohmigosh, how DO you stop at one cookie? Or one handful of chips?  It IS actually possible.

Be Active

This might be another case of 'you can prove anything with a study' but ... know that there is a magic number for how many times to strength train and IMO it is too individually variable to be able to capture in one quick sentence.

Let's move!
3 rounds x 2.  Each round is 5 minutes long.  For each round there are 2 exercises.  You start with one if each, then 2, then 3, building up until 5 minutes are up.  Then rest for 45 seconds and do the next round.

Round 1 & 4
1.  Plank walk out + shoulder tap
2.  Star jump

Round 2 & 5
1.  Push up
2.  V-up

Round 3 & 6
1.  Squat + Side Kick
2.  Long jump

Spiritual Health

Accepting who you are - who you see in the mirror - and being kind to that person is an important part of self-acceptance and self-love.

Mental & Emotional Health

Happiness?  It's not elusive.

Social Health

The key to longevity?  Healthy relationships.

Posts from FB/Blog

Happy Monday! We are in full Thanksgiving prep mode here. I'm giving you some beautiful pie suggestions here.

New recipe: Seriously yummy Thanksgiving-worthy roasted potatoes.

New Post: Parenting lessons from Marines.  They have a set of tenets which can be very useful for parenting.


Be your best, friends



