Susie Csorsz Brown

Jan 1, 20212 min


"We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak." ~ Epictetus

Physical Health

Eat Well

Feed your brain happy. Certain foods are actually good mood-enhancers.

Be Active

It’s lunch time and you have 60 minutes to get the workout on. And go!

Let's move!

Cardio Hiit, which is a bit redundant, to say the least. But .. you'll work. I promise!
Start your music!

Spiritual Health

Is “I did my best” really the best?

Mental & Emotional Health

Feelings are not just a Morris Albert song. They are also part of the title track for your mental state. Get a grip on them, don’t let them control you. But having feelings - knowing, enjoying and embracing them - is very important to having a good frame of mind.

Social Health

Have you ever met a person that you really connected with? One who is especially pleasant and likeable? Why not be that charming yourself?


Posts from


Happy Monday! This link is for a feel-good short film that I hope will bring a smile to your face, too.

New recipe: What's the best thing to have for breakfast? Fresh muffins! Even better when you can make the batter ahead of time, and then just scoop and bake when you are ready.

New post: Happy New Year! Why is it we have these valuable a-ha realizations about life when we are older, more mature? Maybe we are wise enough to understand that we don't know everything and can learn from our (and others') mistakes? Maybe let's learn them earlier than later so we can reap the (mental, emotional) benefits.


Be your best, friends

