Susie Csorsz Brown

Sep 4, 20202 min


Updated: Sep 6, 2020

Move from: am I going to exercise today?' and start asking yourself 'what exercise am I going to do today?' It's non-binary— you know have to do something, it's just a matter of deciding what it is you are  going to do.

Physical Health

Eat Well

So you love eating fish?  Think you might want to give being a pescatarian a try?  It's a healthy option, but like all focused diets, it is important to know what your best choices might be.

Be Active

No, you do not need weights to get strong.  You already have the best tool: your body!

Let's move!

Light weights with body weight movements.  You'll tone and work your whole body.  If you don't have weights handy, use cans or bottles of water.

Spiritual Health

The glass being half full or half empty isn't just a tired old saying.  It is actually a factor in kicking this virus's butt.


Mental & Emotional Health


Is it really a slip-up on your part that you need to work on or is just you being overly self-critical?


Social Health

Seriously, go hug a tree.  You'll feel more connected!

Posts from

Happy Monday!  To be honest, I may have already shared this with you, but seeing as how I have already giggled through this 5 times this weekend (once for me, and once again as I share it with each family member), figured I should share it again.  How can I get myself a baby panda without breaking any international rules?!

This colorful salad is tasty and filling, and beautiful to boot.  One of the perks of moving to a new place is finding fun new ingredients and recipes.  This is the first one we’ve tried here.  Hope you try it too!

Be your best, friends
