Susie Csorsz Brown

Aug 19, 20201 min

Finding friends

We are moving... again. That means AGAIN I will set up home, figure out what to get where and how to get from Point A to Point B and which of those points is really important. I am hopeful to at some point have this. I know that most expat families search for this, every single move.


James Crews

Where I’m from, people still wave

to each other, and if someone doesn’t,

you might say of her, She wouldn’t

wave at you to save her life—

but you try anyway, give her a smile.

This is just one of the many ways

we take care of one another, say: I see you,

I feel you, I know you are real. I wave

to Rick who picks up litter while walking

his black labs, Olive and Basil—

hauling donut boxes, cigarette packs

and countless beer cans out of the brush

beside the road. And I say hello

to Christy, who leaves almond croissants

in our mailbox and mason jars of fresh-

pressed apple cider on our side porch.

I stop to check in on my mother-in-law—

more like a second mother—who buys us

toothpaste when it’s on sale, and calls

if an unfamiliar car is parked at our house.

We are going to have to return to this

way of life, this giving without expectation,

this loving without conditions. We need

to stand eye to eye again, and keep asking—

no matter how busy—How are you,

how’s your wife, how’s your knee?, making

this talk we insist on calling small,

though kindness is what keeps us alive.

#neighbors #findingfriends
