“We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, as human truth, all the maps change. There are new mountains.” ~ Ursula K. LeGuin
Posts from HealthyExpatParent.com/Facebook
Happy Monday! It's Earth Month so your Monday posts will focus on different ways to make a positive difference for Ma Nature. Today's link is for the kiddos, and helping them to become Warriors on Earth's behalf.
New recipe: Herbs galore + a rotisserie chicken + a tangy tahini-laced dressing = a super tasty dinner on the table quick as a flash.
New post: The sun, the earth, and the beauty of that. Celebrate Earth Month.
Wellness News Around the 'Net
Physical Health
Eat Well
Honey, it seems, is a magic elixir.
Be Active
Yes, you can 'engage' your core, and why would you want to anyway. (read: for more reasons than to look good in your swimsuit!)
Let's move!
This timer is called Fast-Slow-Fast and is just that! First, fast moving exercises for 30 seconds each, no breaks. After 10 minute, you'll get a longer break and then move to the slow portion: 10 exercises holding for 1 minute each. After this section, another break and then you'll repeat the first section again. But you know the moves so you can really push it. You can do this, I know you can! Start your music!
Spiritual Health
Who am I? Well, this isn't the beginning of a bad joke. Discovering your true self is a good beginning.
Mental & Emotional Health
I admit, I am an overly-time-conscious individual. I do think, though, that it is important to be respectful of others’ time. And of your own.
Social Health
You’re human: sometimes, you are going to mess up. And that is ok. Here, how to say you are sorry when that does happen.
Be your best, friends