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  • Writer's pictureSusie Csorsz Brown

Wellness Newsletter #226

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ~ Rumi Posts from Happy Monday! Stop motion films are an art unto themselves. Here, learn about the craft, and how complicated it really is to get those seemingly simple films to work so seamlessly. New recipe: A tasty lunch on the go option, but also the perfect veg-packed pasta salad to have on hand when hungry teenagers descend on the house! A favorite at our house. Hope you try it. New post: Every moment is an opportunity to do a small act of kindness, create something good, and at no cost to you. Wellness News Around the 'Net Physical Health Eat Well Maybe the answer is 'Anytime'. Be Active Move more. Let's help you get past those excuses. Let's move! This timer is tabata pairs: eight pairs of exercises in a tabata pattern. Each pair is repeated 8 times, with each exercise lasting ONLY 20 seconds. You’ll be moving fast and a lot, with breaks between sets only 20 seconds. Start your music. You can do this! Spiritual Health How do you use your time to make the most and effective use of your effort and energy? Mental & Emotional Health It gets tiresome, doesn't it, all of this denial about your mental health. DO you need help? Maybe. But 'help' doesn't have to be a negative thing. Social Health

I love this. This is how you should feel and know that your partner feels about you. Be your best, friends


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