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  • Writer's pictureSusie Csorsz Brown

Managing the right thing

We are all busy. It feels like demands for our time are endless; each one another reminder that we just don't have enough to spare.

Here's the thing: no matter what you do, you will only be allotted 24 hours in the day. Instead of managing your time, manage your energy. If you manage your energy, the time part will work itself out.

There is no way to fit everything in. The more we try, the more we feel frazzled and stressed. As a result, people are literally exhausting themselves to make it all fit, getting more and more tired as they struggle.

"I feel tired" may often be a misinterpretation of "I feel stressed."

Have you ever noticed how the smallest splinter at the tip of your finger can divert so much focus and can cause such suffering? And removing it brings about immense relief. That’s the power of small changes. Eliminating various energy drains of the day can be similarly rewarding.

Try some of these actions for surprisingly big energy gains:

  • If you’re feeling tired, shorten a call by 5–15 minutes. Think of it as giving yourself (and others) a small gift of self-care; permission to attend to needs, clear headspace, and prepare for the next thing. Or to simply sit and do nothing.

  • Put off a task for later, when you know it’ll be easier on you. For example, if doing all three errands means enduring soul-crushing traffic, delay one (or all) of them.

  • Or do the thing you have to do, but in a way that gives you a bit more energy — with helpful sounds, in a nicer space, wearing comfier clothing, etc.

  • Look around your space and make one small improvement that will either reduce energy drain or increase energy-giving. This could be removing a dish, closing a window (on screen or in person), getting more comfortable, or whatever else you come up with! There are no wrong answers here.

The key is to notice your energy state, give yourself headspace to think about options, and respond in a way that puts your needs at the forefront.

The feeling is the measure here. If we treat our feelings and bodily signals as information, we’ll have greater clarity about what to do.

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