“Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Posts from HealthyExpatParent.com/Facebook
Happy Monday! A link for you in honor of trying to be more grateful (a good practice during our Thanksgiving month: appreciate your now.
Pie! ’Tis the season. My favorite crust recipe plus A few favorite pics.
Especially when it might feel as though there is only mean and hurt around, a positive step is to focus on what love is around you, embrace it, and share it with as many as possible.
Wellness News Around the 'Net
Physical Health
Eat Well
Yes, indeed, stress brings out the comfort food munchies. (You probably didn’t need to read the article to already know that, but … now you know why!)
Be Active
I live in a humid place. I have to say: sometimes going outside to exercise is not much fun thanks to the humidity. What to do?
Let's move!
Let's build that ladder! Start your music!
Spiritual Health
Sometimes, it isn’t sleep you need but rest.
Mental & Emotional Health
Just like your muscles can hit that point of extreme fatigue, so can your mental energy.
Social Health Ask yourself: are you a self-important jerk? https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/how-to-tell-if-youre-a-jerk/ Be your best, friends