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  • Writer's pictureSusie Csorsz Brown

Be your best #255

"We think when we disclose our vulnerabilities, our mistakes, or our weaknesses, people will like us less. They generally like us more because they admire our courage." ~ Daniel Pink Posts from Perfectly captures the essence of Motherhood. (I'd give credit, but saved it as a pic without the link.) Happy Mother's Day, friends! Happy Monday! You know that irrational, irritated, completely reactive mood you get into when you are hungry? That's actually a biological response. New post: What to eat. Because there are so many nuances. Wellness News Around the 'Net Physical Health Eat Well Tired of dieting and feeling like you are depriving yourself of ANYTHING good to eat? Try the 80/20 rule. Please ignore the advertisements on this link; the advice is sound. Be Active Maybe more detail than you need about building muscle, but this article does a great job of detailing what you need to be doing when you want to build muscle mass (bulk) versus build strength. Let's move! Let's do a whole body band workout hitting legs, arms and core. You'll start with a cardio warmup, and move through two groups of band exercises. Each group is repeated once. You'll add in an ab group between the two groups and again at the end. Start your music! Spiritual Health Coping skills don't come in a one-size-fits-all package. What works for me might not work for you. It's important to have your own set of go-to coping skills. Mental & Emotional Health Work can be a space of stressors wreaking havoc on your mental health. But it doesn’t have to be that way, Social Health Toxic friendship? Uh-oh. Be your best, friends


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