"Who are you if your story begins to change? Do not be so loyal to your suffering that your healing does not stand a chance." ~ Vienna Pharaon
Physical Health Eat Well Sometimes, you legit need a snack. Sometimes it's either eat something or bite someone's head off. Sometimes you just need a little bite more to make your tummy happy. Snacks don't have to be uber processed, or bad for you. https://www.purewow.com/food/healthy-midnight-snacks Be Active Yes, if you want to lose weight you have to have a calorie deficit. It's a simple math equation. But if you want to still be strong enough to have endurance and perform well at your exercise of choice, you have to be smart about that deficit, and eat smart. Fueling your activities properly is part of what will make it more enjoyable and something you'll want to repeat in the future. https://www.runnersworld.com/nutrition-weight-loss/a28425585/running-performance-calorie-deficit Let's move! This is a workout you can literally do anywhere. Take it outside and enjoy some sun while you get your heart rate up! https://www.self.com/gallery/outdoor-hiit-workout Spiritual Health Spiritual health impacts your physical and mental wellness. Remember, all of these components are intertwined https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpQfo2_I-ug Mental & Emotional Health Depth = Happiness. https://www.mindful.org/three-emerging-insights-about-happiness/ Social Health Marriage is a HUUUUGE commitment between two very different people. It takes a lot of effort for it to be a positive experience for both parties involved. Not to say the effort is not worth it, believe me, but it can feel like a job sometimes. There are, of course, things you can do and say that make the experience that much more positive. https://www.thecut.com/article/how-to-have-a-happy-marriage.html Posts from HealthyExpatParent.com/Facebook Happy Monday! Happy December! This link is really interesting and admittedly a little creepy. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/animals/a29802935/owl-video-aliens/ This week, you get two recipes: Hungarian Chicken Paprika and Galuska (the best thing you can make with flour, water and eggs). I should say, these are my versions of these recipes, so include a lot more veggies than might the traditional versions. But we love them; I hope you try them, too. https://www.heprecipe.com/post/susie-s-chicken-paprika-csirke-paprikas
https://www.heprecipe.com/post/susie-s-galuska Holidays = happiness, right? Let's look at that and how we can keep that state of happiness enduring past the next few weeks. https://www.healthyexpatparent.com/single-post/2019/12/05/Getting-to-happy Be your best, friends