Susie Csorsz Brown

Dec 31, 20231 min

Latest from The Big Purple Blob

The latest and greatest from The Big Purple Blob.

137: EFM New Career Path: The Time Is Now!

Are you an EFM looking for meaningful and profitable work that has longevity?  World-renowned Marketing Coach Amel Derragui joins  Katie Fowle and Sharoya to discuss how EFMs can turn their passions into portable businesses.  Katie and Sharoya share their personal stories of creating businesses that are rewarding, impactful, and sustainable from post to post. 



Katie Fowle-

Sharoya Ham- Embrace Behavior Change

Podcast link:

138: Do EFMs get stuck in Passenger Seat Living?

Angi & Jennie consider the sacrifices that Eligible Family Members are often expected to make as part of a Diplomatic partnership.

Angi Bright-

Jennie Linton-

Podcast link:

139: Positive Masculinity & SAHD Parenting

Let's talk about positive Masculinity with Luke Beer!

Podcast link:

140- How We OVERCAME School Refusal:

Katie, author, and mother of two, went through a challenging time when one of her children (grade six) refused to attend school.

Sharoya, an expert behavior therapist and author, has helped families work through this issue.  Together, Katie and Sharoya have teamed up to write a book to help parents navigate School Refusal.

Katie Fowle- Learning to


Podcast link:
