Susie Csorsz Brown

Nov 16, 20231 min

Be your best Wellness Newsletter #268

"Sometimes, you have to look around at the life you've made and sort of nod at it, like someone moving their head up and down to a tune they like." Ada Limón

Posts from




Wellness News Around the 'Net

Physical Health

Eat Well

Are you snacking when you should perhaps be reaching for a glass of water instead?


Be Active

I am 100% a morning workout person, but I know that doesn't appeal to everyone. Here is a list of more reasons why you too might consider setting your alarm just a wee bit earlier and joining me for a morning sweat sesh.


Let's move!

This timer will have you moving through pairs of moves, 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off. You can do this! Start your music!


Spiritual Health

You are feeeeellliiiing verrrryyy caaaalllmmm. Verrrrrryyyy caaaallllmm. Ok, not hypnosis, but there are specific things people who are calm tend to do. Follow their lead!


Mental & Emotional Health

Are you an over-thinker? Unfortunately, this habit can lead to insomnia, extra stress and anxiety. Let’s take a look at how to spend less time worrying.


Social Health

Advice for feeling less lonely, for being comfortable with being alone as you get older (and, really, at most adult ages).





Be your best, friends


