Susie Csorsz Brown

Jan 15, 20212 min


"I wake up in the morning asking myself, 'What can I do today? How can I help the world today?'" ~ Julia Butterfly Hill


Physical Health

Eat Well

Because you really ARE what you eat so take care what you put in your body.

Be Active

Lifting weights is not just good for your muscles, but your mood as well.

Let's move!

The following timer is called 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6. This timer includes rounds of HIIT interspersed with 3 rounds of 5 minutes to do 6 exercises. You'll do the 6 exercises AMRAP during that 5 minute timer.
The 6 exercises are:
10 step-knee up-reverse lunge-jump switch10 twist sit-ups
10 oblique twists
10 shoulder tap decline plank
10 decline push-ups
10 (each side) Bulgarian split squats
You can do this, I promise! Start your music!


Spiritual Health

‘Accident’ or ‘turn of luck’? Or ‘opportunity for discovery’? It’s a frame of mind thing. Make your own luck.


Mental & Emotional Health

The water, life around it, and being in it ... that is my happy place. Apparently, same is true for many others.


Social Health

Likability is a skill set you can develop.


Posts from

I am 100% certain that your kids have heard about what happened in the Capitol Building yesterday, are wondering what to think. You may be wondering how to talk to them about it. Some good thoughts.


Happy Monday. Hopefully, after a restful weekend, you’re ready to face the week. I feel like it’s a good week to celebrate those in our history who have peacefully but effectively made a positive impact on our country, and one at the top of that list is Dr Martin Luther King. Share his story with your kids. They also have some great videos that share his story as well.


New recipe: Applesauce is really simple: take apples, apply heat, smash to your desired consistency. When you add berries, though, it ups the game. This is a recipe my youngest came up with for my eldest when he had his wisdom teeth out recently.


And so the new year has begun. Have you made any resolutions? Have you thought about your wellness? Let’s look at what that even means...and what it could look like.


Be your best, friends

